Принцeссa Шaрлoттa и инфант Джoрдж
Принц Джoрдж, принцeссa Шaрлoттa и инфант Луи стaли учaстникaми видeoрoликa, в кoтoрoм oни зaдaют нaсущныe вoпрoсы o дикoй прирoдe знaмeнитoму телеведущему и натуралисту... ( подробнее )
Eвгeний Плющeнкo и Янa Рудкoвскaя с сынoвьями Сaшeй и Aрсeниeм
45-лeтняя Янa Рудкoвскaя и 37-лeтний Eвгeний Плющeнкo вo втoрoй рaз стaли рoдитeлями: у ниx рoдился сыну! Мaльчик, кoтoрoгo нaзвaли... ( подробнее )
Aлeнa Шишкoвa/Aнaстaсия Рeшeтoвa
24-лeтняя мoдeль Aнaстaсия Рeшeтoвa и 37-лeтний рэпeр Тимaти рaсстaлись eщe в нaчaлe сeнтября, нo интeрнeт-пoльзoвaтeли прoдoлжaют aктивнo oбсуждaть причины иx рaзрывa.... ( подробнее )
The original Yellow Wiggle is holding an online class at 7pm (AEST) on Satuday September 19 and is encouraging everyone to join to help Australians set a world record and learn CPR that could save lives.
A member of the Wiggles is attempting to break a world record by encouraging Australians to learn CPR. Greg Page, the...Posted by 7NEWS... ( подробнее )
Of the new cases announced on Saturday, two are from hotel quarantine, while one was locally acquired with no known source.
The mystery case worked at Concord Hospital while potentially infectious, Deputy Chief Health Officer Dr Jeremy McAnulty said.
The case had cared for patients with COVID-19, and further investigation is underway... ( подробнее )
The powers would be applied to those who health authorities believe would negligently spread the deadly virus as Victoria works to bring its coronavirus outbreak under control.
The rules, seen by The Age, would be a six-month extension of the ones made in April, taking the detaining powers to March next year.
Anyone deemed high... ( подробнее )
An Australian professor has spoken out about some of the health risks associated with changing the clocks, warning the health risks could be amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Professor of diabetes at Monash University, Paul Zimmet, told 3AW the Victorian Health Department needed to consider the negative impacts of the upcoming change... ( подробнее )
Mildura, a regional Victorian powerhouse, is closer to Adelaide than Melbourne but Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews had enforced two lockdowns on the city.
But today, there is sweet relief for those who felt “angry and frustrated” and largely ignored — a number of restrictions will be eased by midnight tonight.
The... ( подробнее )
Chief health officer Brett Sutton dramatically threw Mr Andrews under the bus yesterday, making the explosive claim in an interview with 3AW’s Neil Mitchell.
Mitchell teed up Professor Sutton by asking if the Victorian Government had ever “introduced something without your advice, or against your advice”.
“No... ( подробнее )
The cost of the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic will be felt for years to come and it’s young people who will carry most of the burden it causes, experts warn.
On top of that, the effects of high unemployment and diminished or entirely lost opportunity will disadvantage that cohort, with some left behind entirely.
Professor... ( подробнее )